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AirTrack 3.3 released!
So, AirTrack 3.3 is out; grab it now from the App store!
Apart from a ton of bugs corrected and a lot of code rewritten this version includes:
- Support for the new iPhone 5 and iPod resolution displays.
- Support for the PilotEdge ATC network.
- A new magenta arrow in the ND (using MAP mode and having a flight plan) indicates the way to the next waypoint so you always know where to go even if you're off-track.
- The radio stack on the iPad has a new layout as requested by users.
- The MCP is now accessibly from the main control buttons on the iPad as requested by users.
- The ND of the iPhone and iPod now uses bigger fonts as requested.
- Charts can now be rotated with finger gestures as requested.
Enjoy 3.3 :)
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