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No Flight Plan Loaded

Posted on November 22, 2020 14:36 by Sandy505

I just bought this app after reading about it on the X-Plane forums. It's my understanding that the app would read the FMS flight plan I already have loaded in the a/c. Is this not the case? Do I have to load the FMS data separately in the app?

Currently using X-Plane 11.50 and testing the app with FF A350XWB. I am able to connect the app with the sim and install the latest AIRAC cycle. Plus, I can make changes in the cockpit (such as baro press.) and see the result in the app.

Posted on November 22, 2020 15:18 by haversine


It should read the flight plan form X-Plane for planes that use the default XPLMNavigation SDK structures to store it. Unfortunately this isn't the case with all third party planes so in some planes it may not work and you will need to enter the exact same flight plan in AirTrack manually (or via the web site here and sync down).

If there are conflicts you can enable local standalone mode for the FMS flight plan in the Settings app of the iDevice by scrolling down to AirTrack. There are a couple of switches there.

fun flights,
Joao @ haversine

Posted on November 23, 2020 03:12 by Sandy505

Thanks for the quick reply and look forward to using the tool to it's fullest. I'm using your online tool to read the route I've generated through LittleNavMap and while I'm ok with the process, it seems AirTrack doesn't recognize SIDs and STARs. As an example it doesn't recognize HUDAD2 out of DFW nor does it recognize the NIXX1 STAR into KDEN. As I stated earlier I am using the latest AIRAC cycle. This is the route Iwas trying to enter..



Posted on November 23, 2020 12:56 by haversine

Hi again,

Those SID and STARs should be there but the way to find them is a bit different; you need to look up the airport (KDFW or KDEN) and then scroll down on the list of possible points. You'll see runways, localisers, SIDs, STARs and Approaches.


Alternatively, go to the routes section here on the web site here and create a route. Give KDFW and KDEN as origin and destination.
Then copy paste the string HUDAD DCT ZIGEE to the route part and select HUDAD2 from the list of SIDs and NIIXX1 from the list of STARs.

Click on Generate / Update to update the list of points and on Save to save. Then in AirTrack just click LOAD and the plan should be there.

joao @ haversine

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